Monday, September 04, 2006

i just came back from the movies. watch the devil wears prada. quite nice thought. but it was suckier than i expected and the ending was not that good.

got alot of fashion inside. got some tips haa! no la not much. actually only 1 or 2. sometimes ugly clothes, will become nice if you know how to wear them. like match them or carry it out.

bought new pants. it costs $30. damn my heart is aching. but i'm gonna ask my mom to pay me.

my rashes came back. i think its because of the foundation? i put some on to like make it better. and, it got worse. red spots all over me la. shit.

class party going bowling. like wad?! haa i duno how to bowl. i bowled twice and i suck at it. i dun think i'm going. i dun think much people are going. Daniel, Hakim, Nattarat, Bertram, Weizheng are going. according to Nattarat. maybe some backed out. but maybe some are going. hm duno la. thurdsday then see my mood :D


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